New Assistant DA Coty Hand
On Thursday, June 1st, 2017, Coty Hand was sworn in as an Assistant District Attorney in our office. Coty has been in private practice in...

DePriest 50th Wedding Anniversary
Congratulations to Michael and Jeanie DePriest on their 50th Wedding Anniversary! I was happy to be in attendance as they renewed their...

Grand Ole Opry Impersonation Show benefitting One Place
Saturday, January 21, 2017, a "Grand Ole Opry Impersonation Show" event, hosted by The Cadillacs, was held to benefit One Place of the...

Holiday Luncheon 2016
We hosted a Holiday Luncheon on December 1st in the Grand Jury Room at the courthouse. Good food and fellowship! Enjoy additional of the...

New ADA – Week of September 19, 2016
We welcomed a Rennie Moody to the office as our new assistant district attorney on Monday, September 19th with a swearing in ceremony in...

Law Enforcement Appreciation Luncheon - Week of July 25, 2016
photo: Sheriff's Chaplin Lonnie Braswell delivered a message and blessed the food. On Friday, July 29th, we hosted a Law Enforcement...

RSVP Banquet
On July 14th, I attended the 42nd annual Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Banquet. I am on the Board of Directors of this...

Administrative Assistants Day - Week of April 25, 2016
We have a great team of administrative assistants in our office! They make the office "go." In the past year, they have been asked to do...

Poverty Simulation - Week of April 4, 2016
On Friday, April 9th, I joined approximately 100 others in our community at The Richards Center in participating in a Poverty Simulation...

Christmas Pizza Luncheon
We paused on Thursday, December 17th for a Christmas Pizza luncheon at the office. Will Powell delivered his annual Christmas Message of...