One Place Renovations Begin & State v Raymond Clemmons Murder Trial - Week of Sept 15th

One Place Renovations Begin: On Monday, September 15th, renovations on the One Place of the Shoals Family Justice Center began. This exciting milestone could not have been reached without the enormous support of many generous individuals and groups in our community.
The renovations are being done at no cost by Simco Construction Company with the help of the men's bible group from Woodmont Baptist Church and others who are volunteering their time and talents to this project. Thanks to all who have a hand in the renovations!
State v Raymond Clemmons Murder Trial: Will Powell and I tried this murder case the week of September 15th. The weeklong trial ended late Friday afternoon with the jury returning a guilty verdict for felony murder. The week was exhausting and stressful, but it was rewarding to have the jury return the correct verdict, holding this defendant accountable for death of Jerry Ivy.